We're all aware that the right shoes or handbag, or a well placed necklace or scarf can completely transform an outfit, however have we considered the stylising properties of tights? These everyday clothing items can completely change the look and feel of your outfit and can be worn in so many ways.
Bright tights add distinction and dare I say it pazzazz to all sorts of outfit. This burst of colour is particulalrly welcome during these dull winter months and whilst are gorgeous clothes are covered up by winter coats we can still show off those pins!

The ever fashion forward cast of Gossip Girl demonstrate the tights under jeans look which is genius as it allows you to wear those cute little shorts even in the British winter. It also adds a more lady like element by drawing attention away from scandalously short shorts to the whole of the leg.

White tights make a brilliant alternative to black as like black they go with everything but give the outfit and innocent playful edge. They also push those vintage buttons as they are reminiscint of the white stockings of a Georgian lady (uber vintage I know!) or even Twiggy if worn with 60s chic.

Tights can also be as sexy as stockings as demonstrated by the seamed tight, so popular during ww2 when they couldn't get hold of a pair they dyed their legs with tea bags and used eyeliner to draw on the seam! Just goes to proove how essential and brilliant tights are.

Keep it modo people ;)
absolutely agreed, tights are of supreme importance! this season: florals and sheer polka dot (balenciaga; not anthropologie)