Cowboy boots are an absolute classic item and like a little black dress, or good winter coat, every girl should own a pair. My cowboy boot's heels have been replaced many times because I wear them so much and I intend to keep wearing them until I am working granny chic. Cowboy boots have that rare fashion trait of being stylish and practical as they are warm, waterproof, hard wearing and look great at the bottom of any legs.
When I first saw my cowboy boots I knew it was going to be a long lasting love affair; however like so many affairs of the heart I was going to have make sacrifices. At £95 they were going to be the single most expensive clothing item I had ever bought and I knew I could not part with the money easily. I would often walk by the shop and look at them or go onto the web to get a 360 degree digital view of my burgandy babies. I spoke to friends who already owned cowboy boots to see if they were a sound investment and showed the pair I had my eye on to anyone who didn’t get away fast enough. Eventually I managed to settle the money and my conscience and after the cashier managed to prize the cash from my grip they were mine and I have never looked back.
Too prove to you what a fashion must have Cowboy boots are I’m not just going to wax lyrical but demonstrate their versatility. Every day of the last week I have worn my boots with a different outfit for a different occasion, and as you can see below they looked great every time.
On Friday I went for a nautical theme to show that cowboy boots go with so many different looks. The boots gave quite a casual look a stylish twist which was perfect for attending lectures and coffee on campus. In the evening I was working on a radio programme for the University’s Destination London events. With boots in tow I attended a book reading and discussion event and interviewed the participants afterwards. In this situation a good pair of cowboy boots are great as their quality leather and fine patterned stitch work ooze quality and look smart enough for these formal intellectual situations.
On Saturday I really put the practical side of my cowboy boots to the test by wearing them on an archaeological field trip. Whilst knitwear and anoraks are never a good look, the cowboy boots meant I could still bring a bit of style to the occasion. The boots had to brave rain, scale Roman walls and climb Iron Age Hillforts all the while keeping my feet dry and staying incredibly comfortable. Whilst archaeology is not synonymous with style on Saturday my cowboy boots proved practical can be beautiful.
I went for a slightly rocky look on Sunday to show the edgier side of the cowboy boots and how well they work with new indie looks. I went to the Imax to see ‘Up’ (which was fab by the way, go see!) and yet again the boots were incredibly comfortable. I always like to look my best when heading into central London, so I can hold my head high among all the other beautiful people, and my boots made my look bold and my feet comfortable during a long sit down in the cinema.
Monday is another university day and so I went for a quirky look. What is great about cowboy boots is they do not tie your look down and whilst they may conjure images of checked shirts and line dances they are as flexible a wardrobe staple as court shoes or flip flops. By teaming the boots with a comic T-Shirt and bold colours they stand out as unique bright footwear that have been given a new young context a million miles away from their ranch hand forefathers.
Another day another museum. On Tuesday I rocked Roman Verulamium’s world by traipsing round the museum in my boots and a highly appropriate geek chique look. Yet again the boots looked fantastic and were as comfortable as anything as I walked from site to site. They effortlessly took me from Roman mosaics, to an 18th century mill, to a medieval barn all the while looking fab and feeling terrific.

On Wednesday my boots were treated to a night on the town as I took them to the opening of a new venue
Proud Cabaret. Cowboy boots are great for going out as they can be dressed up and give your feet much need protection from wayward stilettos on the dance floor. I gave the boots a 1920s twist with my outfit and they fitted effortlessly into the cabaret scene.
The morning after the night before and I am so glad I have my comfortable boots to wear. After Wednesday night I went for a slouchy comfortable outfit that required little effort. Whilst checked shirts should be avoided when wearing cowboy boots for fear of single-handedly recreating the Wild West, the wide checks, turquoise colour and long shape of this dress-shirt happily avoids cowboy syndrome.
As you can see from my week in Cowboy boots they go with so much, look amazing, and are comfortable and hard-wearing. If my living style demonstration hasn’t converted you, John Wayne will be having words!
Keep it Modo people ;)